Saturday, September 8, 2007

Day 166

My weight loss has slowed down A LOT, but I have finally made it under 200 pounds for the first time since I was in college! Yay!

I started taking Chantix last Wednesday, and I am already feeling the effects from it. I am not smoking nearly as much, and they taste pretty gross when I do. I also have the nausea and fatigue, but interestingly enough, I don't have headaches - I'm rather light-headed instead. Pretty weird, huh? Wonder how long I'll have to take this med... I really don't like it, but I have to do something about smoking! I have bronchitis yet again, and my skin and circulation need all the help that they can get.

I have all kinds of new lines and stretch marks that I never saw before now, and I while they are not *that* noticeable, I can see exactly what I am going to look like when I do get all old and wrinkly. Between my respiratory issues and my skin, I really do have to do something. There's no sense in going through everything I have done the past six months to get healthy only to kill myself with Marlboros, you know?

Highest weight: 294
Weight this morning: 199
Current size: 16

1 comment:

Becca said...

Hi, it's hard to be faithful to yourself day after day.....been trying to do just that for 7 years now. Had RNY, don't know if it will help you any or not here's my website, I don't sell anything, just networking for nutritional support. Regards