Thursday, April 19, 2007

Day 23

Today, I felt almost normal again, and I think that I may be reaching the end of my blog.

I don't hurt much anymore except for some tenderness and a little pain if I pick up something heavier than I should, but I have my energy back and I feel more like getting out and doing things like walking, shopping, etc.

Highest weight: 294
Weight before surgery: 274
Current weight: 253

Monday, April 16, 2007

Day 20

I had several pretty good days in a row at the end of last week: Thursday and Friday both went really well. I had plenty of energy, and I got a lot done.

Saturday and Sunday were both grey, rainy old days, and it seemed like my energy level corresponded. I didn't get anything useful done at all on Saturday, and Sunday, I only managed to stay up for a couple of hours before I was back down for a nap. On the bright side, though, I did managed to get all of our tax info (talk about the last minute!) entered in and ready to file.

I found a new message board full of great information about having this surgery:

Friday, April 13, 2007

Day 17

Today was a good day, it really was. I made sure that I got my protein in first thing in the morning, then it was off to work. I put in a full day, came home, planted some flowers, cooked supper for the family, cleaned house, folded some clothes, and then watched about an hour of a DVD that came in the mail from Netflicks. I managed to stay up until about 9:30 without any problem, too.

Three different people came up to me today to tell me that I look like I have lost weight. Nice, but I'm not any lighter than I was when I started back to work. I thought that I would be since I am definitely moving around a lot more, but it hasn't worked out that way. Still, it's been almost twenty pounds since my surgery for a total of forty pounds since Christmas break. Only a hundred pounds left to go. (only a hundred - har har har...)

Breakfast: protein mix and skim milk
Lunch: Chef Boy-R-Dee ravioli cup
Snack: 6 pretzel sticks
Supper: 1/2 quesadilla and two tablespoons western-style rice

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Day 16

I stayed at work all day today, but it wasn't easy. One thing that I did discover was how critical it is to get in the protein like you are told to do. On Day 15, I was totally exhausted by 7:00 p.m., and it took everything that I had to stay awake and thus avoid another 3:00 waking.

So, this particular morning I mixed up about 56 grams of the protein powder in a cup of skim milk and forced that down before I left for work. I felt reasonably normal as a result, and I realize that is what I am going to have to do every morning in order to have a decent day. I guess I am still learning about how my body has changed and what it is going to take to keep me reasonably healthy.

Problem today: some pretty serious pains under my second incision site that started around 1:00 in the afternoon. This area was very tender to the touch at times but not consistently. I was pretty scared until I realized that the pain moved from right under the first incision to slightly under the second. I suspect that it is (embarrasingly enough) gas. If it doesn't get better really soon, it will be back to the surgeon for a consultation/exam, especially since it was painful enough to keep me from standing upright.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Day 14 (after gastric bypass surgery)

Breakfast: Atkins shake
Lunch: Ravioli minis
Snack: Six regular saltine crackers
Supper: Two small slices thin and crispy pepperoni

I went back to work today, and I guess I did pretty well even if I did wear out toward the afternoon. I had a sub for a half day (a wonderful young man who has become a real friend in the past two years) who didn't mind me hanging around as he took charge of my kids. I had a lot of grading to catch up on for the week that I was out over my surgery (Week #2 was spring break, so it didn't count). Grades are due in tomorrow, along with year averages for our grade's top ten. State tests are next week, and we are in the last six weeks of the term.

I came home about 4:00 and I was in the bed by seven thirty with lights out by 8:15 or so. I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I'm paying for it now, though, as I was up by 3:00 a.m. on Day 15.

Most of the people that I work with, the ones who knew that I was out anyway, were really surprised to see me back and kept telling me how good I looked despite having surgery. Most of my students have no idea *why* I went into the hospital. A few, perhaps three or four, were told simply because of the degree of concern that they showed. One thing I can tell you for a fact about that: being nervous about going into the hospital definitely isn't helped at all by eighth graders with frightened faces staring at you and asking if you are going to die.

Weight last December: 294
Weight the day before surgery prep: 274
My weight this morning: 254
Clothing size: 24 (but getting baggy depending on cut)

My biggest fear about this: that something will happen to undo all this or it won't work
Husband's biggest fear: that I will get skinny and trade him in for a newer model (like I could ever find another man who would stand by me through thick and thin -har har- like he has).
Daughter's biggest fear: that there will never, ever be junk food in the house again.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

So what are you supposed believe, anyway?

It's been amusing and frustrating by turns to see the information that is being churned out concerning gastric bypass surgery, how it is supposed to affect you, what you can eat, when you can eat it, etc.

My surgeon (who seems to err on the side of extreme caution) almost a year before my surgery gave me a book to go by that tells me that I am to be on a liquid diet 10 days before surgery and almost 30 days afterward. The idea of staying on a liquid diet for ten days before my surgery was really funny to me - I mean, geez people, if I could stay on a liquid diet like that, would I even need surgery? Once I check into the hospital, I let the doctor's office know that I have lost my book and need another. They promise to bring one. (I think that what actually happened is that I got very frustrated a some point during year two of the insurance fight and threw it away, but I am not sure that want to admit that to them.)

The hospital staff are kind enough, and when they hear that I have lost the book from my surgeon, helpfully give me a book from a New York surgeon who has his available as a PDF download. This book is far more detailed and permissive than the one from my own doctor. I mention that to the doctor's liason, and she promptly orders the staff to never, ever hand out anything like that again. The damage is done, though.

As I said before, my doc tells me that I can only have liquids for about 30 days after my surgery: cream of nothing soup, sugar-free jello, etc. I ask him about the conflicting advice/instructions between physicians, and he thoughtfully reminds me who *my* physician is and why he gives his orders as he does. I wonder if *he* has ever tried to remain physically and psychologically sound after 30 days of liquids.

Welcome to My World,

small as it is, anyway.

Today is Day 13 after my gastric bypass surgery, and I decided to start this blog to share my experiences with weight loss surgery (WLS) or gastric bypass surgery. So many of the sites that discuss what to expect really don't deal with the average day-by-day experiences. Most deal just with diet, and so many of them contradict each other, depending on the clinic or surgeon. While this little blog won't set a standard, it will guide you through one woman's experiences in what worked and what did not.

So far, it's been interesting, to say the least. Let me at first mention that I have very little tolerance for pain...

Presurgery - Surgeon orders a presurgery diet of 10 days of liquids without explanation, though his nurse says that it is to clean out my digestive tract, etc. Some web research tells me that some surgeons order this to deplete glycogen levels in the liver. Since I have no idea what the actual reason for the order is (and I have to work for a living, something that I just can't see happening on a diet of chicken broth and sugar-free jello,) I vow to do the best that I can and go on.

I checked into the hospital (3-26-2007), and the torture rack they provided for me (AKA hospital bed) weighed me a 274. One word of advice: Never, ever let them give you the room across from the nurses station. They still forget to bring you pain meds when you ask, and the noise is incredible.

On Days 1-2, if you had thoughtfully handed me something with enough caliber to end my misery, I would have gladly opted out of the whole experience. I remember one particular point in my morphine-induced haze when all of the joys of labor suddenly became fresh again, and I swore that I would never, ever have another child or volunteer for another surgery. One thing that surprised me the most was the effect that the anesthesia had on my lungs - it was very difficult to breathe the way that one is supposed to. My lungs felt very stiff and almost burned, so instead of breathing regularly as was my goal, I alternated between not breathing deeply enough and trying to pass out and hyperventilating.

On Day 3, I made myself get up and walk the halls, hoping that I would be allowed to go home. The surgeon came in and checked me over about 5:00 pm then released me complete with a JP drain and over 20 staples. I promptly installed myself in my big, comfy recliner while husband went and had my prescriptions filled.

Day 4: Out of curiosity, I climb on my home scales and discover that I have gained 10 pounds while in the hospital. Husband says not to worry as it just fluids. Still, that just doesn't help my feelings a whole lot. I so, however, actually managed to sleep the whole night through. While I can't stay awake all day, I am motoring around the house more, and my lungs are starting to feel like they are actually back to normal.

Day 5: Went to town and managed to navigate all of Lowe's then part of Wal-Mart before relegating myself to the sit-n-shop. I was just too worn out to do much more than that. This was also the first day that I did not take a nap.

Day 7: I managed to open yet another kitchen drawer by catching it on my JP drain tubing (which conveniently hangs a little over a foot out of my abdomen, catching on all manner of objects). I call the surgeon and am told to come in. Once I get there, he tells me that he is going to remove the staples and drain a week early. (YAY!) His nurse mumbles something about going to get the "staple-getter-outer" (no kidding) and I wonder if I am supposed to be worried. It was an incredibly gross moment having the tube pulled out, but it was great to have it gone. I am STILL peeling the glue from the catheter tape off of my leg.

Days 8-11: I am kind-of surprised at how tired I am staying. I seem to have a good day and then a bad day... Good days are those in which I feel like getting out and actually doing around, and bad days are those in which I feel like I am a little-old-woman (I'm 37, BTW.) I take naps pretty frequently.

Day 9: My first experience with dumping syndrome. I bought a box of sugar-free cookies (Murray brand). I ate two of them and promptly got very sick. Went to bed about 8:00 pm and slept until almost 8:00 the next morning.

Day 12: The pain has decreased to mostly soreness around the main surgical site. Husband sits me down out of concern to discuss my general apathy. I tell him that I don't feel depressed - mostly just really tired. He quizzes me about what I am eating (am I getting enough protein?) and I promise that I am.

Day 13: This morning the scales say 258 pounds. (I haven't seen that in a long, long time.) My owies are looking pretty good, and I for one of the rare times in life, I am extremely grateful for my fair skin. I think my scarring will be minimal.

I am going to try to get out and about today, aiming mostly for some exercise. I am going to go back to work tomorrow, and I am a little concerned about making it through the day as I teach 8th graders, and they are not the calmest segment of the school-age population to deal with. I did arrange to have a sub on hand for 1/2 days Monday through Wednesday, and if I can tough it out, I am going to stay all day anyway to get caught up on my grades.

PS - Here is a pretty good day-by-day guide that I found on the web:

Actual experiences will vary. Too bad that I didn't find this BEFORE I went into the hospital.